Endorsed by

Prof. Natan M. Bornstein

Professor of Neurology at the Tel-Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine.
Chairman of the Israeli Stroke Society (ISS) (since 2019)
Director of the Brain Division at the Shaare-Zedek Medical Center (since 2016)
Head of Stroke Unit at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center (1989-2016)
Chairman of the ESNCH (2013-2017)
Chairman of the Israeli Neurological Association (since 2008-2017)
Vice President of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) (2008-2018).
Chairman of Neurology Department, Tel-Aviv Medical Center (2002-2007)

Consulting Editor of Stroke
Editorial Board CVD, EjoN, Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, International Journal of Stroke, Neurosonology, Frontiers in Stroke, Journal of Annals of Medical Science.
Fellowship program in vascular neurology (stroke) in Toronto, Canada with Prof. John Norris( 1984-87)
Main research interests are: Epidemiology of stroke, Stroke prevention, Vascular dementia, Inflammation and stroke, Neurosonology.