Dear CONy Speaker,
Presentation Guidelines for Invited Speakers are below.
Technical requirements and instructions for presentation :
Click here to download the PPT slides.
- Slide to be used as the first slide of your presentation. It should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, affiliation, and country.
- Mandatory: The second slide must be used for Conflicts of Interest disclosure. If you do not have any conflict of interest simply list: NONE
- Save the date for CONY 2026 congress – we would appreciate if you could include it as a last slide in your presentation.
Please note:
- Please come to the Speakers Preview Room at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled lecture
- For morning sessions starting at 08:00, we recommend arriving to the Speakers Preview Room at least one hour before the beginning of your session.
- In the Speakers Preview Room you may check your presentation
The Speakers Preview room will be open as follows:
Wednesday, March 19th 15:00-19:00
Thursday, March 20th 07:00-18:00
Friday, March 21st 07:00-18:00
Saturday, March 22nd 07:00-17:00
- You cannot use your own computer, no matter how small or large your files are. To avoid any technical delays, your PPT presentation will be made available in the lecture hall via our computer network.
- Please make sure that all fonts, images, animations, and sounds appear as expected in your PowerPoint presentation.
- Slide dimensions: The resolution of the presentation should be 16:9
- If you have movies in your presentation, please make sure to copy the entire folder with the movies in it.
- On presentation mode, your text should be large enough to be easily readable. The slides should not include multiple rows of text in small font.
- Qualified technicians are ready to help you upload your presentation in the Speakers Preview Room.
- Cameras and video equipment are not permitted in the Speaker Preview Room.
- There will be no possibility to connect your personal laptop in the lecture hall.
During your presentation:
- Each session hall will be staffed with an AV technician who will assist in starting each presentation.
- From the lectern you will be able to control your presentation using a remote control (no mouse will be available).
- Please stick carefully to your allotted time. Session moderators have strict instructions to interrupt if you exceed the allocated time slot.
Thank you for your participation and your cooperation
CONy Secretariat