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Gregoric Kramberger, Milica

Milica Gregoric Kramberger (MD, PhD, female) is Assistant Professor of Neurology at Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana and Consultant in Neurology. Currently she serves as Head of the Centre for Cognitive impairments at the Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is also affiliated to Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS) Division of Clinical Geriatrics Huddinge, Sweden

She is a working group member of the European multicenter project on dementia with Lewy bodies. She is also an active member of the European Alzheimer Disease Consortium, a fully functional network of European centers of excellence working in the field of Alzheimer’s disease. She has actively contributing to the Slovenian National dementia strategy. She is the PI of the recent JPND project PMI-AD for Slovenia and tutor to a number of PhD students.



  • Country: Slovenia
  • Affiliation: University of Ljubljana