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Hort, Jakub

Dr. Jakub Hort is a Professor of neurology at Department of Neurology, Charles University, Second Medical Faculty and Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic and PI of the Czech Brain Ageing Study (CBAS), which is a unique longitudinal prospective study which has been established in 2011 to study the early functional, metabolic and structural biomarkers of Alzheimer ́s Disease and other dementias. (Refer to: www.cbas.cz). Dr. Hort is a director of Cognitive center and coordinator of the Expert center for ERN-RND FTD (European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases for Frontotemporal Dementia) at Motol University Hospital. Dr. Hort has been elected chairman of Section on cognitive neurology of the Czech Neurological Society (2005-2018, 2023-ongoing). Dr. Hort served also as a co-chair of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Scientist Panel Dementia and Cognitive Neurology (2015-2019).  Dr. Hort authorized European guidelines on Alzheimer disease and participated in EAN guidelines on non-Alzheimer dementias and combination therapy for Alzheimer disease. In 2011 he founded Czech Alzheimer fund. Dr. Hort has been honored to become Courtesy Professor at University of South Florida, School of Aging Studies in 2019 and member of Expert Advisory Panel of Alzheimer Europe in 2023. He has been involved in initiatives to bring artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality and blockchain to both AD research and clinical practice. Dr. Hort is co-founder of telemedicine/blockchain project Terrapino/Alzheimerchain and NFT Non-fungible Brain project. Dr. Hort has participated in numerous drug development projects as a consultant, SAB member and principal investigator as well.

  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Affiliation: Second Medical Faculty,Department of Neurology, Charles University and Motol University Hospital, Prague,