Education, Specializations, and Academic Degrees:
1973: General Medicine, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University (FDL UK)
2022 – Present: Chair of the Grant Council of Charles University
2014 – 2022: Dean, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
1991 – 2016: Head of the Pediatric Neurology Clinic, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Motol University Hospital
1990 – 1991: Advisor to the Minister and Director of the Department of Health and Social Care, Ministry of Health, Czech Republic
1984 – 1990: Resident, Head of the Electrophysiology Laboratory, Motol University Hospital
1979 – 1984: Independent Pediatric Neurologist, Prague 4
1973 – 1979: Secondary Physician, OUNZ Teplice
International Fellowships and Collaborations:
Epileptology centers in Heemstede (Netherlands), Cleveland (USA), Bielefeld (Germany), Leuven University (Belgium), Miami Children’s Hospital, Georgetown University Washington, and Stanford University California (USA).
Teaching Activities:
Undergraduate Teaching: Neurology, Pediatric Neurology, and Epileptology at 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, since 1989. Lectures on Developmental Neuropsychobiology at the Department of Drama and Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.
Postgraduate Teaching: Lectures in specialized training in neurology and pediatric neurology, as well as international epilepsy surgery courses (EPODES).
96 original research articles with an Impact Factor (IF)
Citations (WOS): 2,626, H-Index: 26
Author of 6 monographs and 15 chapters in monographs (8 international)
Over 120 invited lectures
Research Activities:
Principal investigator for 12 successfully completed grants from the Ministry of Health (IGA MZ), including one Minister’s Award, and the US-Czech S&T Fund.
Co-investigator for 7 IGA MZ grants (including one Minister’s Award).
Program coordinator under the Cooperatio UK initiative, founder and council member of NINR.
Review and Evaluation Work:
Reviewer for journals including Epileptic Disorders, Epilepsy & Behavior, European Journal of Child Neurology, and others.
Evaluations for habilitation and appointment processes and agencies such as AZV MZ, GAČR, and GAUK.
2003: ILAE “Ambassador for Epilepsy”
2008 & 2010: Minister of Health Award for Medical Research (Principal Investigator & Co-Investigator)
2009: 2. LF UK “Teacher of the Year”
2013: Recognition by Comenius Society as “Gentleman Pro 2013”
2018: TAČR Award
2019: Gold Medal of Charles University
2023: Annual Medal of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Membership in Professional Societies:
2014 – Present: Scientific Council, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
2023 – Present: AZV MZ ČR Presidium
Longstanding memberships in the Czech Medical Societies for Neurology, Pediatric Neurology, and Epileptology