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Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas

Andreas Schulze-Bonhage is Professor of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology and Head of the European Reference Epilepsy Center at the University Medical Center Freiburg in Germany.
The Freiburg epilepsy center has Germany`s largest university-based epilepsy surgery program for children and adults and offers comprehensive epilepsy care for rare and complex epilepsies.
Andreas Schulze-Bonhage has served as the president of the German Society of Epileptology 2019-2021, is member of the German Societies of Epileptology, Neurology, and Clinical Neurophysiology as well as of the American Epilepsy Society. Clinical research interests include advanced EEG diagnostics, long-term monitoring of epilepsy including wearables and subcutaneous EEG, neurophysiology of cognition, and emerging pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options in epilepsy including new approaches of neuromodulation and epilepsy surgery.
Andreas Schulze-Bonhage has served as PI (in part as national lead) in >50 pharmacological and device trials, has published > 480 peer-reviewed papers (h-index 88) and has obtained research support from the EU, NIH, German Ministry of Science, Epilepsy Foundation as well as from pharmaceutical and device companies.

  • Country: Germany
  • Affiliation: University Medical Center Freiburg