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Budhdeo Sanjay

Sanjay Budhdeo is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellow at University College London, where his focus is in the use of graph machine learning for drug repurposing within neurodegenerative diseases. Clinically, he is honorary neurology registrar at NHNN. Sanjay has also received the Bogue Fellowship for research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, […]

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Kremer Christine

Christine Kremer is a stroke physician and associate professor of Neurology at Skåne University Hospital Malmö, Lund University, Sweden. After specialization in Neurology in Germany, she specialized in stroke and cerebrovascular ultrasound including a post-doc in Zürich, Switzerland. Moving to Malmö she build up the neurovascular outpatient service including cerebrovascular ultrasound. Another area of her

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Sexton Claire

Claire Sexton, DPhil, is senior director, Scientific Programs and Outreach at the Alzheimer’s Association®. In this role, she develops scientific programming for the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) and associated meetings, and oversees strategy for the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART). In addition, Dr. Sexton delivers presentations to audiences

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Bassetti Claudio

Claudio Lino Alberto Bassetti was born and raised in Ticino, is married and father of three boys. He speaks six languages and enjoys music, history and sports. Bassetti received his MD degree from the University of Basel in 1984. He trained in neurology in Bern and Lausanne and performed research fellowships in experimental neurophysiology (Basel)

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Comi Giancarlo

Giancarlo Comi is honorary professor of neurology at the Università Vita Salute San Raffaele and founder and director of the Institute of Experimental Neurology at the Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. He is the President of the European Charcot Foundation (ECF), and since 2013 has served as vice chair of the Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

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Tassorelli Cristina

Cristina Tassorelli, MD, PhD, FEAN Full Professor and Chair of Neurology Director, Residency in Neurology Program Dean, Faculty of Medicine University of Pavia Director, Rehabilitative Neurology Unit, Headache Science & Neurorehabilitation Research Centre Neurological Research Institute C. Mondino Foundation Training: Medical degree summa cum laude from the University of Pavia. Fully trained neurologist. PhD Degree in

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Reich Daniel

Dr. Daniel Reich is Senior Investigator at NIH/NINDS, where he directs the Translational Neuroradiology Section and leads clinical studies focusing mainly on multiple sclerosis (MS). He is also an attending neuroradiologist at the NIH Clinical Center, an Adjunct Professor of Radiology, Neurology, and Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University, and an Adjunct Professor of Neurology at

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Weintraub Daniel

Dr. Weintraub is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Penn) and Psychiatrist at the Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center (PADRECC) at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center.  A board-certified geriatric psychiatrist, he conducts clinical research in the psychiatric and cognitive complications of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and related

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Neylan Tom

Dr. Tom Neylan is a Professor, In Residence in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco. He is the Director of the Stress and Health Research Program at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. His research has focused on the role of sleep on emotion regulation, cognitive function,

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Petelin Gadže Željka

Professor  Željka Petelin Gadže, MD, PhD, neurologist-epileptologist and scientific adviser, has been working at the Department of Neurology, Zagreb University Hospital Centre and School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, since 2001. In April 2017 she was appointed Head of the Referral Centre for Epilepsy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia,

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